Blog Archive
Kids for Heart Challenge

Stratford Crosses the 1 Million-Dollar Fundraising Mark for the American Heart Association!

It’s official! With the Stratford Schools that have already started the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge this year, Stratford has officially crossed the $1Million mark with lifetime donations! Did you hear that? Yes, that is 1 MILLION DOLLARS, and counting, raised for the American Heart Association by our Stratford…
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Minding Me: 5 Simple Steps to Mindfulness

By Marissa Parker Gold of Intuit Parenting If I said, “Give me 3 minutes each day for a simple self-regulated activity and you will decrease the possibility and frequency of your headaches, stomach aches, anxiousness, and/or depression, would you do it?”  Why or why not?  I’m guessing that you spend…
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Preparing for College: Plan Ahead to Make the Most Out of Your High School Experience

By Harrison Cheng, Stratford Preparatory College Counselor  Preparing for college is akin to training for a sport. My students will often hear me refer to college admissions like the Olympics. Many sports from diving to figure skating have two components to the score: difficulty and execution. Similarly, college admissions have…
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Potty Training: Which Method Is Right for Your Family?

10 Potty Training Books to Help Parents Find the Right Method and Get Started! There are many schools of thought on when and how to “Potty Train” or “Toilet Learn” a child. However, the real question to ask is how do you know which Potty Training method or philosophy will…
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Stratford School Preschoolers learn to code with Dash robots

Cultivating Coding Skills in Kids

Why Coding is the Essential New Educational Literacy and How Starting Early Can Make All The Difference for Your Child Introducing Coding Concepts in Preschool At Stratford School, we start early — building the foundation of critical thinking and coding skills in preschool. In a quickly changing world that is…
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