Blog Archive
Jeanne Huybrechts of Stratford School

How to Raise Children Who Feel Loved and Connected

An interview with Stratford School’s Jeanne Huybrechts conducted with Pirie Jones Grossman for Authority Magazine *NOTE: This is an excerpt from a recent article in Authority Magazine. You can view the complete article linked here. About Jeanne Huybrechts: Jeanne currently serves as the Chief Academic Officer at Stratford School, where…
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Future City 2023 1st Place Winning Team

Stratford Middle School Teams Sweep the Awards in 2023 Future City Engineering Competition

Congratulations to Stratford School’s 2023 Future City Engineering Competition Winners! Stratford Preparatory’s Flambe Bay Team took 1st Place and will advance to the National Competition! Stratford Pleasanton Middle School’s Viridis City was awarded 2nd Place, and Stratford Fremont Middle School’s Cerulean City took 3rd Place. Additional Stratford Middle School Teams…
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STEAM Award Winner, Jeanelle Dao

Stratford Student Wins Lemelson Award for Invention and Named 2022 Broadcom MASTERS Finalist during STEM/STEAM celebratory week!

We are thrilled to announce that San Jose Middle School student Jeanelle Dao took home the $10,000 Lemelson Award for Invention, awarded by the Lemelson foundation to a young inventor who creates a promising solution to a real-world problem. Jeanelle invented a foot-controlled welcome mat that wirelessly unlocks a door…
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Books to Honor Your Child’s Back-to-School Experience

With the start of our new school year, we thought it would be fun to assemble book selections that speak to the myriad and mixed feelings kids have about the return to school. For many children, the transition from summer to school is bittersweet – an end and a beginning,…
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Stratford’s Library Corner: Best Reads to Encourage Your Child’s Love of the Outdoors

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~ Albert Einstein To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee One clover, and a bee And revery And revery alone will do if bees are few. ~ Emily Dickinson It is hard to imagine any…
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