Virtual Parent Speaker Series presents Burnout to Balance: Create a Healthy Work/Life Balance for Your Family with Jenny Ward

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Today, parents are under an immense amount of pressure to fit everything in their schedule without getting burnt out! From keeping up with your child's school and extracurricular activities, to ensuring productivity at work, and maintaining proper self care - life can easily become overwhelming.

Join us for a workshop to learn how to successfully manage conflicting schedules to strive for optimal family harmony and togetherness with speaker with Jenny Ward.

Jenny Ward, renowned speaker and author, is a a licensed yoga educator (specializing in yoga therapy and family yoga), wellness coach, and the author of Who Said So, 101 Ways to Play, and Who Said So about Parenting. She has has crossed the continent, bringing play, work/life balance, and work/life workshops to Visa, Google, You Tube, Merrill Lynch, the Girl Scouts, YMCA, Stanford, Dove, Nickelodeon, the Bowman School, the Palo Alto Unified School District, Toronto School District, and many other corporations and nonprofits organizations.

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