Khalil, Sadaf

Middle School Principal

Sadaf has 20 years experience in education that includes classroom instruction in all core subjects, curriculum design and development, curriculum integration and articulation, teacher mentoring, K-12 academic and school leadership, and school accreditation process. Sadaf holds a B.S. in Biomedical Science and a postgraduate qualification in secondary school education specializing in science. She has served students and families in both public and private schools in the UK, USA, and Middle East. Sadaf is passionate about lifelong learning and self-improvement, and building meaningful human connections. She is committed to advancing academic excellence and global literacy for middle and high school students in an environment that nurtures the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of future scholars and leaders. Sadaf is honored to serve at Stratford and looks forward to partnering with the parent and school community to ensure that all students feel cared for and supported, and each student aspires to reach their highest potential.


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